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how to make omelette egg

nada adel9 سنوات

incredible egg – Fantastic eggs – cooking the perfect omelette-  

Hi all our followers in the kitchen fatakat Arabs and we promised that we will offer you all the cuisine and cooks Italian, French, American and also Arab, whether Egyptian or Moroccan or Algerian or Saudi or Lebanese or Kuwaiti all these cooks Bmviaderha and methods of preparation to easy and Food will find them in the cooking section at the site fatakat of Arabs with fatakat chef we will offer you today how to prepare eggs and omelets wonderful Allz And gourmet Follow us step by step

” The amounts of egg omelette ” 

is (38) 

1- eggs 

is (27) 

2- butter 

is (10) 

3- pepper 

is (12) 

4- Tomatoes 

is (28) 

 5- Onions 

is (14) 

6- spices 

” Egg omelette way to prepare ” 

is (22) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

First, prepare the eggs and place a pot is empty (as shown) in front of you

Second: Beat eggs well with a spoon in the pot empty as the highest image noon 

is (26) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Third, we prepare the butter and put it on the fire so high fused image as you see in front of you

is (13) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Fourth, prepare the tomato and thoroughly washed thoroughly with water and then we cut it down a sharp knife into small segments of the image as it is now 

is (15) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Fifth: We prepare colors of  pepper yellow and green and red and wash with water well and then we stop pumping sharp knife thin slices as you see the picture now

is (30) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Sixth: We prepare the onion and cut the external layer of the onion, then wash with water well and then we cut off with a knife alone onions into small segments (as shown) before you, Madam

is (17) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Seventh: After cooked egg omelette on the fire with hot butter becomes in this way as you see the picture now 

is (16) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Eighth, we took a sliced onion and pepper slices, tomato slices As you see the top of the picture now, and we add this group of vegetables on egg omelette

is (41) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Tenth: We move the eggs and vegetables with a group and are onions and tomatoes and add them pepper and spices black pepper and salt, some cumin and Bharat other to gain a wonderful taste and then put the pot oven temperature average for 10 minutes

is (23) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

Eleventh: omelet will come out of the oven in this very remarkable form as you see now the highest image 

is (8) 

The quickest way to prepare eggs from an omelet site fatakat Arabs

A second ten: We cut the egg omelette sharp knife in the form of pizza slices wonderful and we will present it to the food either flew or lunch or dinner Asba wonderful and meaningful as you see the picture 

Today we brought you a quick and easy way to prepare eggs omelette with vegetables wonderful and delicious cuisine of Chef fatakat 

Given you a recipe cooking: Nada Adel 

how to make an omelette 

how to make easy cook 


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