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Chinese eating spicy Indian

fatakat egy9 سنوات

Welcome to you all !!

Star recipe miraculous us today. Between Chinese cooking
(国 烹饪 之间)
Indian spices

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This cheapest dish is incredibly easy to prepare and super tasty! A great alternative to yourstandard chicken strips. This chili chicken recipe is amazing; as I devoured it, I was transported back to my days of gluten-filled eating in New York City Chinese restaurants! Indian style Chinese chili chicken in gravy, cooked with

lots of onions and green chilies.

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Indian style Chinese chili chicken in gravy, cooked with lots of onions and green chilies. Very tasty, must try it out. This is my rendition of the perennial favorite. It looks fabulous, tastes wonderful and you can make it in less than 20 minutes! I served it with fluffy, steamed
 rice. A great side dish                                          

that will go well with this chicken dish is baby bok choy with shiitake mushrooms. The food there is absolutely fantastic!

NewYork Restaurant food normally sucks, especially the Indian restaurants here, but ironically anytime someone compares your cooking to restaurant food, it is a good thing! This recipe will teach you how to make Chili Chicken. It is a quick and easy recipe to make. Flavor Chili Chicken served with a bowl of fried rice is an excellent Chinese meal to serve. The chicken flavors of the chicken, shallots and the sauce gives this recipe an exceptional taste.

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And now with the way the work of the chicken with chili on the way Chinese and Indian issuance .


(1) – “Kilo of chicken breasts”


 download (2)

(2)-  “2 Garlic cloves” 

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(3) – ” Starch”

(4) – “Green onion” –(5)  –  “Onions”
download (2)-horz


(6) – “Salt and Pepper”


(7) – “Oil”




(8) – ” Half cup water ” 

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9 – ” 2 Tablespoons sugar” 

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10 – “Sauce (on request) on ”  + ” ¼ cup soy sauce “

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? How toprepare

  1.   1 -Put thechicken breasts in olive oil until it reaches the golden color and then  my onions, garlic, green onions and salt and pepper

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2. Guest sauce they put on the chicken starch dissolves in half a glass of water and put it on the chicken along with the sugar and the heart to be this way

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Star recipe miraculous us today Between Chinese cooking 国 烹饪 之间 Indian spices
This cheapest dish is incredibly easy to prepare and super tasty A great alternative to yourstandard chicken strips This chili chicken recipe is amazing as I devoured it I was transported back to my days of glutenfilled eating in New York City Chinese restaurants Indian style Chinese chili chicken in gravy cooked with lots of onions and green chilies   Indian style Chinese chili chicken in gravy cooked with lots of onions and green chilies Very tasty must try it out This is my rendition of the perennial favorite It looks fabulous tastes wonderful and you can make it in less than 20 minutes I served it with fluffy steamed rice A great side dish                                            that will go well with this chicken dish is baby bok choy with shiitake mushrooms The food there is absolutely fantasticNewYork Restaurant food normally sucks especially the Indian restaurants here but ironically anytime someone compares your cooking to restaurant food it is a good thing This recipe will teach you how to make Chili Chicken It is a quick and easy recipe to make Flavor Chili Chicken served with a bowl of fried rice is an excellent Chinese meal to serve The chicken flavors of the chicken shallots and the sauce gives this recipe an exceptional taste  And now with the way the work of the chicken with chili on the way Chinese and Indian issuance


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